Sunday, February 25, 2007

Pop Candy

Reading Pop Candy: unwrapped pop culture’s hip and hidden treasures, by Whitney Matheson one observes a professional eye and pen. I liked the way she opens her blog with a story of computers that sometimes work and other times let us down. She grasped my attention with her bit of reality on our hectic, technologically centered world.
Her story started with a reference to Battlestar Galactica which is one of my favorite T.V. shows. She was short and to the point on the little information she had but was correct in that it is not as popular as say the Stargate series. There was no long discussion on the show; just a statement and she moved on. Her objective is to give information rather than analyze which is appropriate for the fast media culture we live in.
Whitney appears to know how to wet our appetite with the tidbits of what the scene is and go on to the next topic. From the drama filled Sci-Fi of Battlestar Galactica to the drama filled horrors of Stephen King she is able to keep us, the reader, connected and flowing smoothly with all her ideas. Instead of having to read short interviews of what he thought or what was his next big publishing she told us what he was wearing. She kept it light and non intellectual.
I could have enjoyed a little more narrative on Stephen Colbert, but that’s just because im a pretty big fan! Apparently as his fame increases his time gets more valuable. Her Blog is appealing and enticing due to her crisp writing style and her gift in knowing how to give enough information for people on the move. Her style plus her connections to our pop culture media allows her to be in the know.
The conventions she uses on both sides of her text transport the reader to very different places and other information on her site. It is effective because it is simple and easy to follow. Her many link and text links allow for an enriching dimension to her stories. The only things a bit difficult to follow were the links on the left hand side. They were too small and confusing to make out. The Links on the right side of the page were reputable advertisers so she must have a large audience. Her readers are in their late teens and early twenties so I had a problem with AARP add.
I appreciate the way she ends her Blog with a list of one liner’s. Perfect for the person on the move to get the odd tidbits of information on the media world and the world. What would we be without knowing what they had for breakfast, who they are dating and what movie’s their working on. I just don’t know if I could get through my whole day without such valuable information.
In review she has an exciting Blog and must be very appealing to a certain segment of the Blog population. I like the way it is short, precise and to the point on whatever topic she is writing about. I enjoyed the Blog but would have enjoyed other topic and issues. Her presentation is attractive because it is simple, the color white gives the feeling of a professional page as it is easy to read and follow. The main critical aspect is the size of the links on the left side of the page. The text could also be a bit larger for an easier read.

1 comment:

@km said...

Hey I did the same blog as well and thoroughly enjoyed it. You must have read it a differen day than me because her opening post wasn't about computers. I also thought that her layout was plain and simple but it was cute, especially her title of her blog with pink polka dots and such. I noticed her usage for links as well and thought she used them wisely. I could read the left hand links fine so I wonder if it is our computur screen size or something. I liked reading your post it was written very well.